
 Tax-free or low-tax countries in the world

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United Arab Emirates (UAE) No personal income tax. Businesses may be subject to corporate taxes in certain industries (e.g., oil and gas), but other sectors enjoy tax-free operations. VAT introduced at 5% in 2018 but still no income or capital gains tax

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Bahrain No personal income tax Corporate taxes are applied only to companies in the oil and gas sector VAT introduced in recent years, but low-tax regime remains for individuals

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The Bahama No income, capital gains, inheritance, or corporate taxes Wealthy expatriates often relocate here for tax purposes VAT of 12%, but no personal or corporate taxes

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Monaco No income tax for residents (except for French nationals who must pay French taxes) No wealth, capital gains, or inheritance tax High cost of living but very favorable for high-net-worth individual

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Cayman Island No personal income tax or corporate tax. No capital gains or inheritance taxes Offshore financial hub, especially for banking and investment fund

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Bermuda No income tax, corporate tax, or capital gains tax Employment taxes are levied on businesses. One of the world's most expensive places to live but very tax-efficient

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Vanuatu No income tax, wealth tax, or inheritance tax. Island nation with growing interest from expats seeking a tax-free haven